
Showing posts from December, 2021


    In 2021 I saw quite a number of funny memes implying “we are not sure we want to accept the New Year, because we don’t want to be shocked like the previous year(s)”.LoL Its true 2020 came with a shocker and 2021… Oh My Goodness… it was a rollercoaster of unexpected emotions. It was a big year for some and for others it was their lowest.  However, we move. A lesson I’ve learnt so far, is that happiness is a choice. No one can give you the kind of happiness you deserve. Think about it, when you think you have gotten to the point where you are your happiest, something from nowhere interrupts it and you’re down, you struggle to get back to that point or even past it and boom!!! it happens again… People will encourage you and cry with you but that’s all they can do. They cannot change your deep rooted feelings; it is something that is totally up to you. I don’t know how the previous year(s) has been for you, but if no one told has told you how proud they are of how you ...


It’s no longer beginning to feel like Christmas. It is Christmas!!! In the spirit of Christmas I just want to drop a soft reminder; there’re many celebrating in smiles, others in tears and some others in a mixed feeling. To those celebrating in strength, remember many are fighting battles we know nothing about in this season; some are celebrating a first/ another Christmas without a loved one, some are far away from family for reasons beyond them, some have food and some have none, some are celebrating a first Christmas truly happy after a long time of unhappiness and some are just thankful. Whichever category you belong, the littlest we all can be is kind.  Be the best you can be to someone out there, spread love, spread positivity and genuinely laugh with many. Laugh so hard that your laughter becomes contagious, smile so much that many sad faces are forced to smile. Put on your best attitude, step out in style, chill like a big G (irrespective of your situation you're a ...