After my previous article, quite a number of people shared their experiences and how much they could relate with the feeling of exhaustion. Someone said to me; “I have almost everything I need as at now, but there are many days it feels like I have nothing. At times I wonder if I have a health challenge, or when/if I will get married, if I’m going make it through my next promotion, or if my business is even going to stand the test of time. ‘sighs deeply’ I’m not trying to sound pessimistic but these thoughts just pop up.” Are you like this person, have you asked yourself questions you can’t find answers to? Have you wondered if you’re losing your mind? Well, I need you to know that it’s humanly OK to sometimes wonder and ask yourself silent questions that leave you exhausted. Sometimes the slightest triggers like having a baby, raising children, high pressure jobs, working at a job you hate, financial stress, poverty, wondering if you made the “right” c...