(Your dreams can be your Reality)

A sad feeling consumed him as saw his aged father sit outside his old  dilapitated house .

His father had every potential of a modern day Gates but ended a dreamer. It made him have a deep thought for his future cause he didn't want to have the same end "A DREAMER". 

He entered into his hut,shut the door made of straw and sat at a corner in the dark. He  cried out in a mild tone for he was tired of dreaming of when and of how.

He knew he had a lot in him to be seen and felt though he didn't know how this courageous dreams would play out. 

Yet with faith in his heart, tears in his eyes and hope for his future, he picked his pen and a piece of nicely cut paper. The youngster knew his ink will never fade out and a look at what he scribbles in that inconveniencing corner as he cried will be a constant reminder of what lies ahead of him so he penned down his courage ..... .....

                       I have a dream!!!

A dream to live my dreams,
A dream to prove my words,
A dream to change my reality,
A dream to influence personalities,
A dream to institute visions,
A dream to dare,
A dream to inspire,
A dream to transform,
A dream to inform,
A dream of peace,
A dream to unite,
A dream to experience,
A dream to love,
A dream to lead,
A dream of greatness,
A dream worth fighting,
A dream of victory,
A dream to believe,

A dream I can't tell but will be told,  

A dream of haven...

I'll keep dreaming my dreams, keep chasing them like the wind, I know the wind can't be caught but I hope to catch my dreams.

I won't stop even when it's tough not even when it's heart wrecking NO don't try to stop me, not even when you see my pain.I said I WON'T STOP. 

Read my lips I won't stop.

I know you hear my dreams when I speak,but you don't know them I alone know my dreams and I will follow it like a miner in search of precious stones. I will go after my dreams even when the waters in my eyes are at the cornea of my eyeball.

"His paper steep with salty water dropping from his eyes he continued as the pen laid in between his hopeful fingers;"

this pain can't stop me so I'll let them roll, and freely will they roll because I know they will be tears of joy, tears because I will achieve my goals and make my dreams my reality.

I believe the reality of my dreams will wipe away the pain in my tears so i'll cry as much as I need to.

I won't give up, so do same too if the pain won't go but first I dare you to live your dreams dreamer!!!


In the cause of life I have been privileged to meet a lot of brilliant minds who dared to dream, who had all it takes to make it but only remained dreamers. 

Each day  in their life came with its 
snow (worries) and they stayed by the chimney  sometimes, with its 

rain(depression) and they stayed under the umbrella,sometimes with the 

haze(obscurity) and they remained in their rooms, other times with the breeze and 

they slept on their beds.

But still their mornings never changed (they Never changed).

They had a dream but it only remained in their dreams, they talked about it with much fire in their words and passion in their eyes. 

They had a blazing desire but were inspired by procrastination...Tic.Toc just like the sound of a passing clock time had passed and before they realized all they were left with was the still image of their dreams in their reality.

Every body on this earth has a dream but those dreams will only be dreams if we don't step out of our "comfort zone".
Wake up to that vision, wake up and face the reality in the society before your life comes staring at you in the face.
Dreams are beautiful, they are fanciful and very exciting but only when it's still a fantasy.

Sometimes we have to go all out of our comfort in search of the pearls(better things, we sure want the good things) of life.

We have to be willing to stay in and out of the rain or sun, willing to stick to our goals even when the odds are against us.

Because in actualizing your dreams is where the tears is, where the pain is and where your joy begins. 

You must never allow anything hinder you from becoming what God wants you to become, chase your God Given dreams and don't give in to lies and fears that come your way, you are destined for greatness...

So chase your dreams like you owe no one but your creator an explanation.

Remember tough times don't last only tough people do. I'll see you soon xoxo...

Fulaneey Pero


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